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Become a NFIEC Member

As a not-for-profit (501-c-3) corporation, all memberships are tax-deductible. Membership is available as a BOCES Co-Service support for local school districts in Western New York, through Erie 1 BOCES Co-Ser #501 (Distance Learning) if bundled with our Digital Portfolio Service.

Become a NFIEC Member


Monetary donations can be given directly by offering a sponsorship at a forum event, donating to the CCP Scholarship Fund, or to sponsor specific services we provide to educators and business partners. All sponsored funding is to support our program operations and are tax-deductible.

You can make a donation directly to NFIEC securely online.

Make a Donation


You can support the NFIEC and programs through Sponsorship of a particular program or one of our events. For more information on Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact us below.

Contact us