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College and Career Portfolio Program

Building a strong Employability Portfolio for our local student community and workforce NFIEC provides students a high-quality opportunity to showcase their skills to employers with the College and Career Portfolio (CCP), formerly known as BEEP. This program is available to local students through their school district to teach them valuable workplace skills and competencies.

With the help of our business partners, NFIEC and the West Seneca Schools teamed up more than 21 years ago to create a portfolio and computer-based portal called CCP. It is offered in school districts throughout Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus, Allegany, Wyoming, Orleans, and Chautauqua counties. Visit BEEP at 

How CCP Works

When students participate in CCP, they learn to possess and showcase skills that employers want. Students complete a digital portfolio through the BEEP portal website which provides employers and directors of admissions with an all-encompassing overview of a student’s abilities.

Local business people support this initiative by reviewing student portfolios and verifying them as “students who are employable.” After the review process, each student receives an NFIEC Certificate of Employability.

CCP Program features include:

  • In-depth exploration of careers and a variety of student work to include: resume, cover letters, job applications, and letters of reference
  • Reports on competencies reached in New York State Learning and Common Core Standards as well as CDOS
  • Career development and occupational standards that align with the Secretary’s Commission On Achievement Necessary Skills (SCANS)
  • Levels attained include areas of academics, attendance, SAT & ACT, citizenship, and work ethics and community service
  • Writing samples, artwork, awards received, athletic participation, clubs, volunteerism, work-based learning and other extracurricular activities in various collections of work.

Certificate of Employability

This certificate provides prospective employers with job-ready candidates by certifying the student applicant is knowledgeable and competent in certain well-defined skill sets.

With the Certificate of Employability in hand, employers can be assured the candidate is qualified to be successful in the business environment in areas such as:

  • Communication and Problem-Solving Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Research and Information Management
  • Independent Learning & Time Management
  • Leadership Skills
  • Computer & Technology Literacy

Commitment to Education Awards Forum

NFIEC’s Commitment to Education Awards Forum is an annual event that honors local businesses and organizations with an award highlighting their high-quality collaborations with NFIEC members. The forum enables members and partners the opportunity to dialogue and share successful collaborative efforts with teachers, school counselors, students and the education partner. For more information on the forum or to nominate a partner if you are a member, please contact us by using the form below.

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CCP Scholarship Ceremony

Every year, NFIEC hosts a CCP Scholarship Ceremony that honors twenty students from 14 high schools in Western New York. These students earn scholarships for their participation in the annual portfolio and interview competition. Students are honored with scholarship money and certificates in their home district.

Image: 2024 CCP scholarship winners