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Working with Education Partners to Increase Occupational Awareness

Occupational Awareness Courses
NFIEC courses offer educators in the Western New York community occupational awareness programs through discussions, presentations, and tours. Teachers can earn in-service credit while learning about the WNY Community. Educators attend meetings at various businesses, industry or other locations throughout the region. Many of the business leaders are eager to share their real-life knowledge of what skills and characteristics they are looking for to create successful employees. In turn, the educators take these experiences back to the classroom and incorporate this knowledge into their lessons. Teachers and students not only learn about careers, but they also learn about all the great things Western New York has to offer.

Commitment to Education Awards
The Commitment to Education Awards is an annual celebration held each spring designed to honor those industry leaders who have allowed us to live our mission and have partnered with schools to foster student success in the workplace. Schools nominate business partners and they are recognized for their vision in developing partnerships.

Educator & Business Workshop & Tours
Working collaboratively with organizations, NFIEC offers programs for teachers such as Money Skills – a financial literacy program in conjunction with the Western New York Service Council, Junior Achievement, WNY Alliance of Chambers. NFIEC also supports and inform members about local business by providing tours and information sessions. Currently, we are updating and soliciting local business partners to who are willing to speak to students in their areas of expertise through our Speaker’s Bureau.

Partner Organizations

NFIEC partners with organizations aligned with our mission and that help extend the impact our programs and services have on student and NFIEC members. If you are interested in discussion partnership opportunities with NFIEC, please contact us below.

Contact us

CTE Career and Technical Assistance Center of New York
The Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance Center (CTE TAC) operates under a state contract to assist the New York State Education Department (NYSED) in carrying out its mission of improving the quality, access, and delivery of career and technical education through research-based methods and strategies resulting in broader CTE opportunities for all students.